Study day

Written paintings

pseudographies, metagraphies, asemias

This study day planned for February the 1th, organized by THALIM, the CEEI and the IAO, will question the experiments of contemporary artists soliciting in their works the materiality of writing whether it is under the form of pseudo-graphics, metagraphy or asemic writings.

This phenomenon of insertion of written patterns in the plastic space appeared very early in the XXth century: pictorial writings by Klee or Miró precede the invention of later more thoughtful pseudographies : Xul Solar produces a system of organized signs; Torres-García will borrow iconic or symbolic elements from pre-Columbian art to create a simulated language.

Several artists have already been the subject of specific or extended studies by researchers from the Center for the Study of Writing and Image, some of whom are participating in this day (Florence Renner, Narmine Sadeg, Marcia Arbex, Hélène Campaignolle, Marie Laureillard). The question of the influence of writing systems on the plastic manifestations of a culture was also addressed by Anne-Marie Christin in her latest research on literary imagination and generations of writing.

The specificity of this study day will be to associate a historical perspective on the artistic uses of writing, with a theoretical and practical questioning on the foundations of this neighborhood or mix between elements of writing and pictorial components in those written paintings. The comparative perspective will allow to approach case studies from several linguistic and cultural territories. Part of the discussions will be devoted to the Chinese artist Wu Hua, author of "graphimages", Isidore Isou, Maurice Levy, Catherine Denis, Myriam El Haïk.



Université Sorbonne nouvelle - Conseil scientifique 

UMR Thalim 

Institut d'Asie Orientale

Centre d'étude de l'écriture et de l'image


1st of February 2020

9:30 am - 6:00 pm


Salle Mariette
Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA)
2 rue Vivienne
75002 Paris

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